I have 6 days of teaching left before the public schools here are let out for summer vacation and I've pretty much given up. this week we are doing tests, and watching 'Night at The Museum 2'. Yes, I am that lazy this week.
People always ask me what the weather is like over here in Korea- and right now, mid July, it is comparable to the 7th ring of hell. Unless you really love getting out of the shower in the morning and staying soaking wet all day because of the sweaty, sticky humidity- then in that case, it would be perfect for you.
It's 32C today which is about 90-95F, but that's without the humidex. someone said something about it being 55C with the humidity, but i'm not sure about that... either way- it's fleckin HOT.
This is considered rainy Season until the middle of August. and when i say rain, I mean torrential down pours; monsoon. Crazy, windy sideways rain that laughs at your umbrealla and launches it the gutter. lovely.
And if it not raining, it is sweltering, sticky hot. the kind of hot that makes you feel like your brain melted out your ears. again, lovely. I was actually dripping on my desk this morning while grading papers. Super.
May and especially June are awsome. and even the very beginning of July. But the rest of the summer is sometimes just plain unbearable.
It doesnt start to cool down until about the end of September, but the humidity has gone down alot by then at least. I'm just focusing on arriving at sisters house in Canada and jumping into the pool in her backyard, and lying around on the floaty bed. aaahhh.

Do hot dogs usually melt?