My name, Vanessa, means Butterfly.
I've known this for a while, but I recently discovered that Vanessa Cardui, Vanessa Virginensis are actually the Latin names for the American Painted Lady or the Painted Lady butterfly.

I've also always had a strange fascination with butterflies. I can remember when i was a little girl, whenever I was sad or worried about something, a butterfly would appear, and kinda hang out with me or walk with me, and it would always make me feel better.
This still happens today. I always see butterflies when I feel down, or when i need some sort of reassurance or guidance. they've kind of been like my little guardian angles.
I recently visited the insectarium in Deer Lake, where they have a live butterfly pavilion. There were butterflies form all over the world, and in all stages of metamorphosis, some just crawling out of their cocoons. It was really neat.
Afterwards, I got talking to the owner of the Isectarium, who informed me of the origin of my name, the painted lady. Mr. Lloyd Hollett, the owner and founder of the Deer Lake Newfoundland Insectarium is also, coincidental, the author of a book about butterflies, called Butterfly Messengers. the book tells different stories of time when butterflies have given guidance, or appeared to people during difficult times.
I love it, but I also feel like this is so cheesy, like it was something that i would normally keep to myself. but I guess it's kind of neat, that's there's lots of people who are moved by the appearance of butterflies...