This one will be short, but just wanted to put a couple of things up about life in Jeju.
Me, Young Ho, and Peanut moved here in Sept 2008, from Seoul. YH spent his whole life living in Seoul, so moving to a slow paced city was quite a change for him. For me, it was alot like moving back to the small east coast town that I came from, so it felt quite familiar and comfortable. 

Peanut, My 7 year old Maltese is still adjusting. it seems the dampness of living next to the ocean has not been kind to her... and despite YH's best intentions to try to bring a pet into his life for the first time, they have had their differences.
We also had to downsize. living in the suburbs of Seoul for 3 years, i had found a comfy 2 bedroom flat that I adored. it really felt like home. when we arrived in Jeju, there was a "mix up" with my contract. meaning they forgot to find me a place to live. So, not being prepared to put down a large of Key Money- (a large deposit anywere from $1000- 15,000 that you get back when you move out) plus your montly rent, we took the first place we could find. It is nice. It's new.it has a large covered balcony. it's across from the ocean... It's a bachelor apt. for 2 adults and a dog. cramped is also a good description. But oh well. details.

So, back to Peanut. She has a collapsing trachea. which means she has a hard time breathing and therefor has spent the last week in and out of the vet clinic. we are going back again today, with the possiblity of surgery. She spends most of her waking hours coughing- the loud goose honking cough. and I feel sooooo terrible for her. The vet has assured me that this is common in small dogs and treatable. Just trying to focus on the upside of things for now. that's all you can do!
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