
A few things

it's been about a week since my last post, mostly because I didnt have anything nice to say, and didnt want to spread my foulness around cyberspace.

I'm feeling much more back to my old self this week mostly due to the absolutely kick-ass weekend i had here on the island. 2 days of beach volleyball, camping, swimming and drinking in the sun with good friends. it rcoked, and I feel refreshed.

I also realised that I havent really been writing too much about actual life in Jeju and Korea but instead just about life in general. I guess after having been here for so long you forget about and take for granted all the day to day things that make living in Korea so unique.
here are a few "unique" things I've seen in the past week or so:

A golf buggy driving down the main highway

Vegetable Donuts for school lunch

A man trying to windsurf with a foam board and pink umbrella

Open paper cups, brimming full of childrens urine lining the hallway bookcases for

My fellow co teachers warning me about Fan Death (a korean myth that says if you sleep in an enclosed room with a fan on, you will suffocate)

A mom encouraging her naked son to pee on the floor of the public bathrooms in front of the sinks, with the toilets 2 feet behind them.

The abundance of cartoon animation involving steamy piles of poo
The wonderful use of the Koreanised English language or "Konglish"or Engrish

And so much more....

"Can you choice sauce and your chef will be cook your menu." Check out out lots more at engrish.com

cups of pee. ew

giant inflatable poo on a stick

So, now that I'm back on track, and finally tying up some loose ends, that needed tying up for quite some time, I should be able to focus more positive things in life.... like giant poo on a stick, and cups of urine.


  1. Wow...pee lining the lining the hallway. I'd try to stay out of the hallway at all costs. Hmm and poo on a stick...it would make a great gag gift!

  2. Oh the things you get accustomed to living in Asia! haha yes, I 've sent many a Poo stick home to unsuspecting relatives!
