Dealing with anxiety is very up and down. The past couple of weeks has been rough. packing up your belongings and moving in general can be taxing, but then add the emotional distress of seeing people you care about suffering, and then add on a couple of plane crashes that affect everyone in your community, and yea, it makes for more anxiety then the average week.
what helps? not a whole lot when its really bad, but that why I have pills to help me in emergencies. But before i resort to that, its distraction. in any form. Breathing and counting, writing about why i feel angry/ sad/ annoyed/ happy/ fill in the adjective about something else in my life. Having a project. me and Eric have recently purchased a wine making kit. it's fun having a hobby and a goal. Listening to music that fits my mood. I don't believe in making yourself listening to happy music if your not happy. It actually just irritates me more. being in a pensive mood like I am right now, I'm enjoying Arcade Fire, with a glass of wine. Cleaning. I find cleaning is a good outlet for all that anxious energy just swirling through my body.
Today I decided to try the tactic of changing my personal appearance to a) distract me and b) make me feel better about myself.
so I dyed my hair (re-dyed) bright red. and when i get bored of this, I will dye my hair Blue Black. just for fun. just for distraction.
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