1. Pens that don't work. why doest anyone ever throw them away? why do they keep getting put back into the container of pens that do their job correctly?
2. Getting my seat belt stuck in the car door. happens. every. time.
3. Getting my coat stuck in the car door. this happens almost as much as my seat belt. Ive come to the conclusion that my car hates me or wants to eat me.
4. People that send 7 texts in about 20 seconds. Stop. you need to stop. I cant, nor will I answer you that fast.
5. Our apartment neighbors who play, Matthew Good, at about 80 decibels.... at 9am.
6. People who have yelling conversations in coffee shops. nobody wants to hear how great you are at getting " like, super drunk"
7. Slow people. I don't mean like, the mentally challenged, or head trauma victims. I mean fully functioning, employable people, who although somewhat socially inept, seem like fun, easy to talk to people. Until you actually talk to them. and then you realise you have to explain everything to them. EVERYTHING. like the most basic concepts. and you wonder to yourself how these people made it through life relatively unscathed... it's baffling.
8. Undetectable odors. My boyfriend can account for this when I say that spend the majority of my time trying to find the source of, a sometimes, phantom odor that i deem unpleasant. I was gifted a unusually keen sense of smell, which I think is helpful in, say, locating where the dog hid the fudge that he stole from the coffee table when we weren't home.
9. People who have plants and don't water them. why do you have them?
10. People who let their children run wild trough department stores and restaurants. I LOVE it when I'm about to bite into my pizza and the back of my chair is struck by a 5 year old, running at 70mph, hopped up on carbonated, caffineated beverages, while the "parent" yells out something like "Wait for your sister! she can't run that fast", as your pizza slams into your face, and kind of up your nose a bit.
11. Mystery containers in my fridge. I know I'm the one who put them there, with I'm sure was good intentions, not thinking about future Vanessa, who unsuspectingly thinks the butter container would have, well, butter in it. Not remembering the day when all the tupper-ware was dirty so she used an empty butter container to put the leftover tomato sauce in, which then got pushed to the back of the fridge, plotting and scheming against future Vanessa, waiting patiently for the day she opens the container, innocently thinking it is butter....
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