I'll be updating the trail info as I do them, but so far I've only completed 5 in Gros Morne and 1 in Port aux Choix.
The Coastal Trail at Green Point has been my favorite so far, but definetly the easiest. It's 6km return, basically starting at one trailhead, walking 3km, and then turning around and walking back the same way.
The trail is pretty flat, going along the rocky shoreline of the Viking Trail. The trail is clearly marked, either by boardwalk or by worn footpath lined with stones. It gives great views of the Long Range moutnains and the fjords on one side, with a never ending view of the ocean and beach on the other. The beach is not swimming kind- it's all large rocks, very cold, deep water, and undercurrents. No sand along this trail, but alot of tall grasses and tuckamores ( stunted juniper trees) You'll see the trailhead about 15km north of Rocky Hr.
Western Brook Pond is probably the most walked trail in the park. There is a boat tour that winds in through the large glacier carved mountains that is very busy in the summer months. I've done the boat tour when I was much younger and remember it being pretty incredible- Large cliffs that dramatically meet with the long narrow pond that sits between the fjord. Although the trail itself only takes you to the mouth of the fjord, the view is still pretty spectacular. It's 6km return on a mostly flat, wide path, some of which is boradwalk through marshy areas. Picture Plants, the provincial and carniverous flower of Newfoundland, are common on this trail, as is Labrador Tea. When driving North on the 430, keep going past Sally's Cove and the turn off for the S.S. Ethie shipwreck. You'll see the parking lot for Western Brook Pond trail on the right- you'll know it's the right one- it's always full of cars.
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