I mentioned in a previous post that i had recently started therapy or counselling because I honestly didnt know how to deal with the stress, and all the decisions going on in my life.
For months, I waited for my dog Peanut to finally tell me she was ready to let go, and then her passing 3 weeks ago. Also a long distance relationship that was potentially falling apart. (it's gotten better, but still not sure where it's headed)
We relocated to Jeju Island from Seoul, which is about an hour by plane, this past september. I wanted a change of pace. Actually I wanted to leave Korea, and head for a Greek Island, but decided I could do one more year because of the boyfriend. we initially moved to Jeju together, but he had to move back to Seoul for work. so now it's long distance. sigh.

When I moved, my apartment was severely downsized, (did I write this before? it feels like I did) and I mean I went from 2 bedrooms, livingroom and kitchen, to a bachelor apartment with a balcony view of the ocean*. (*selling feature)
My entire appartment this year.... it looks a litle different and better now- I put some love and care into it.
Of course, I didnt have room for my jewellery studio. So, once again, my career as jeweller was put on hold. I've tried a couple different times to get it going but to no avail.
location/ equipment set up/ noise factor have all played their part.
I kept telling myself "it's just one more year, and then you can find a bigger place and set up the studio again" but as my contract is soon up with this school, I've been pressured to make the decision to stay or go.
Most Public schools and universities in Korea do hiring in March or September, when the semesters start. So, my choices: I could take a 2-3 week vacation somewhere, possibly my parents home and re-sign for setpember, OR not re-sign and just go home for a while.... But then it was pressure from the boyfriend to move back to Seoul so we could scrap the long distance. .....on the other hand, I just bought a bike and a surfborad and was really looking forward to become a permenant resident on Jeju, where things are SO much more laid back. ( I learned to surf last summer and LOVED it)
my head is about to implode.What to do? where to begin deciding??
Enter the counselling sessions. (and the bottle of pills for the anxiety)
But as i mentioned, it;s funny how things pop up, turn out, or just appear suddenly in front of you while you pulling your hair out searching for answers.
As I newbie to blogging, I enjoy checking out other peoples blogs for ideas or as to how to make my page look nice, how to put links to stuff I like and things like that. I dont really know much about HTML code, but I've always been a writer- or a person who likes to write, well journalling actually. in private.
So then I come across Julie's blog "Moments of Perfect Clarity" and fell in love with how free she was with her thoughts on her blog. So I sent her an email asking for advice of how to be a better writer/blogger and how she got started and why, but never actually thinking I would get a reply.
The same day, I met a friend for dinner, who had a bunch of books that she thought might help me out- they had been left behind by another ESL teacher. One of them was called "Wrting to Heal the Soul" by Susan Zimmerman. It started out with the author talking about how she started writing to deal with her terminally ill daughter, but basically talked about writing just to "get it all out". ...hmmmm. (lightbulb is flickering above my head, but not fully on)
This morning, while having my coffee and doing my routine email and Facebook check, i was happily surprised to see an email from Julochka or Julie, mentioned above. She had taken the time to write me, a long, friendly and very helpful letter get me going. She told me about how she got started and why, and how writing lets her deal with her feelings*- I'm paraphrasing.
AND, that I had inspired HER to write her 700th post about just that- how and why people start blogging and tips for newbies.
Checking out her post today, and seeing my blog linked in her post made me feel, proud- that I had the courage to ask a such a well known blogger for advice, and that I was aknowledged and thanked for my question.
but it mostly inspired the hell out of me: to not be afraid to put my thoughts out there, to not care what other people think, and to start being able to heal myself through my own means.
and I'm pretty sure that falls into the category of "pretty damn cool".
Kudus Julochka and to all the awsome people who arent afraid to put their feelings out there.
Puttin your self out there...honestly and sincerely is one of the hardest things to do.
ReplyDeleteLove the red sofa!
Hey Marathoner81- thanks for the comment and for the support!